My First Job and How My Experiences Help Me

Do you remember your first job?

When I was young I had a paper route I used to pay for a school trip for a brief period. It taught me a little bit of worth ethic, saving money and spending on the things I longed for. I realized the more houses I did the more money I could make. However I valued my time more. It took awhile setting up the newspapers with the ad material, because of this I quit after just 3 months of working.

In Highschool I worked as a kitchen staff at a small restaurant where I would help with frying the food and washing dishes. There I would work hard in the evenings during school nights. It was hard work. I would work from 4:00pm - 1130pm at night some days through the weekend. I would come back that night feeling greasy and tired.

These two experienced taught me somethings.

For one, I knew I did not want to be doing these tasks for money forever.

Second, I valued the lessons my boss was trying to instill in me. Simple things like paying attention, being present and responsive. These things helped me tremendously and can help you also.

Third, having fun with my money and starting to feel responsible with paying my phone bill: l had a slide and flip text phones I used to msg my friends, lunch at the cafeteria, and social activities.

Fourth, admittedly I had a bit of a spending problem then.. lol


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