Read, Watch, and Play: An Analogy from video games, Stories, and Movies

Like me, you can learn allot video games, books on fiction and movies. What's your favorite videogame, story or movie?

You're reading a novel through a pivotal part of the plot, where the characters go from a simple point of existence and carrying on, to struggle, and then to reward, and a happy ending. Its at this point of struggle and depressed event the main protagonist faces entertains us. I vividly remember getting stuck and having fun while playing Zelda Ocarina of Time, Megaman and Final Fantasy VII.

As an analogy: Let say your working and start on something, but wait up.. You stop because up ahead is a huge baddie, for example (Ganon or Shinra), or hidden obstacle and now you must find a way to overcome and progress on your task.

So what we do?

Stand there frozen. Do you go back and call the quest over?

No! You would acquire a new skill or ability. Lets learn the things to get over the obstacle, find out weaknesses with in ourselves or the enemy/competition. Make an unlikely ally or mentor.

Retrace your steps, go over what you might have missed and in the process fine tuning your results.

Maybe its time to opt for a new piece of equipment? maybe a software and applications update?

These tips and inspiration I take from videogames and fiction can have a profound effect on us and help move us forward with in ourselves, our careers and business.

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